Hafez Zawiher, co-founder of UBCONNECT, an enterprise that manages contact information and digital business cards built on contact numbers, and was awarded the SAP.iO Award in conjunction with Rawabi Technology Center, “The clinic has helped us a lot in the legal field, Focus on the technological aspect and finish the product itself. “
Rather than acquire every company it believes could benefit its customers, SAP is doing something else — partnering with them.
About 18 months ago, SAP contacted Caitlin MacGregor about her startup, Plum.io. It wanted to invest in her psychometric assessment firm. This outreach is part of SAP’s strategy to partner with companies and avoid acquisitions.
McGregor said the effort by SAP “has made us more credible.” Plum gained business from enterprises. Systems integrators, including Deloitte Consulting, are also expanding the company’s reach. “We’ve definitely been able to increase our growth,” she said.
SAP.iO ist SAP‘s strategische Geschäftseinheit, die mit dem SAP.iO Fund und den SAP.iO Foundries innovative Start-ups im B2B Techsektor durch Investitionen und Accelerationsprogramme unterstützt. Mit SAP.iO No Boundaries haben wir uns entschieden, bis zu 40 Prozent des investierbaren Kapitals aus dem SAP.iO Fund für die Förderung von inklusivem Unternehmertum einzusetzen. Durch den Ausbau und verstärkte Aktivitäten bei unserem Programm SAP.iO Foundries wollen wir in den nächsten fünf Jahren mindestens 200 Start-ups weltweit unterstützen. Der SAP. iO Fund und die SAP.iO Foundry Programme zur Förderung von inklusivem Unternehmertum spiegeln die Vision der SAP wieder, die Abläufe der weltweiten Wirtschaft und das Leben von Menschen zu verbessern.
The SAP Government Relations team publishes a quarterly info-journal (SAP Politikbrief) for German political and public administration representatives incl. important decision makers from German executive and legislative bodies, such as the Chancellery, Federal and Regional Ministries and Parliaments, municipalities as well as scientists and academics. The Q3 Politikbrief is dedicated to startups. The journal is published in German and English, online and in print.
Building a robust relationship between stakeholders from the get-go is essential. Relationships require a foundation of trust and an understanding of the interests of each party – and nurturing these relationships throughout the partnership is equally critical. As leadership change takes place at different rates in academia, start-ups and large corporations, it can be challenging to re-establish trust and re-align on the goals in the face of change. It’s important to have a strategic consensus to sustain the essence of mutual goals and reinforce the relationship to maintain a solid relationship throughout their partnership.
“In particular, aligning on expectations from each stakeholder – academia, start-ups, and corporations – is a key to establishing trust and long-term success,” said Ram Jambunathan, Managing Director, SAP.iO. “Academia is often focused on pushing the boundaries forward through proof-of-concept demonstrations, while corporates may be looking for something incremental that can align to existing offerings, mature development processes or sales motions. And in between are start-ups coming from universities that are in the process of establishing product-market fit.”
Everywhere I turn, I hear concerns about technology and workforce automation causing job losses. For employers, however, it seems that the real worry lies not in eliminating but retaining their workforce.
How can they prepare their existing talent pool – and their organizations – to thrive in the new economy? How can they deal with the impending mass migration of jobs toward those requiring new skills?
Those are the fundamental questions that emerged from my discussion with Emily Lambert, Content Marketing specialist at Plum, Inc. Plum offers a solution, also called Plum, that is now available on SAP App Center. It uses the precepts of industrial and organizational psychology combined with – you guessed it – artificial intelligence (AI) to help organizations hire, grow, and retain top talent.
With social media and data transforming commerce, Paris-based Heuritech has raised $4.4 million to help clients in fashion and beauty stay abreast of rapidly changing tastes.
Version:1.0 StartHTML:000000278 EndHTML:000176866 StartFragment:000176452 EndFragment:000176794 StartSelection:000176452 EndSelection:000176794 SourceURL:https://venturebeat.com/2019/09/03/heuritech-raises-4-4-million-for-ai-to-discover-whats-hot-in-fashion-and-beauty/ Heuritech raises $4.4 million for AI that uncovers what’s hot in fashion and beauty | VentureBeat
The company uses algorithms and computer vision to scan and analyze large volumes of images and text across the internet to understand trends as they emerge, mutate, and then vanish. With social media accelerating the rise and fall of mini-fads, companies are struggling to stay current in industries where falling behind can be fatal.
Düsseldorf Rania Reda hat bereits mehrere Start-ups gegründet, groß gemacht und verkauft. Derzeit baut sie mit Augmania eine Plattform auf, die die Erstellung von Inhalten für Augmented Reality deutlich erleichtern soll.
Trotz ihrer Erfahrung tut sich die 46-jährige Gründerin schwer, im Silicon Valley von den namhaften Risikokapitalgebern eine Finanzierungsrunde zu bekommen – und das, so ist sie überzeugt, liegt weder an ihrer Geschäftsidee noch an ihrer Präsentation.
Le Village by CA Paris lance un appel à candidatures dédié aux femmes entrepreneures en partenariat avec Microsoft, SAP via son programme SAP.iO No Boundaries, et avec le soutien de Capgemini pour la sélection des startups. Cet appel est soutenu par sept réseaux féminins : Girls In Tech, Femmes Business Angels, Professional Women’s Network Paris, #JamaisSansElles, IWF France, StartHer et Rezoé.
With increased demand to predict products success in the market and to understand markets needs and sentiment, Japan-based Brands can now have an opportunity to learn from their consumers and improve their Products competitive edge.
Revuze enables brands to quickly understand their product and customer satisfaction issues, and to automatically score and rank their brand’s performance relative to its competitors and to the market.
Revuze uses AI, powered by Natural-language programming (NLP) and machine learning, to empower Brands that previously have relied on manually intensive solutions, such as text analytics, social listening and monitoring with a simple online service. Without the need to pre-define a single keyword, rule, topic or sentiment value – Insight Analysts can access the most nuanced information available. The data is delivered, via a single screen, about consumers and their needs, across thousands of internal and external data sources, on any given product Category.
Das Scheinwerferlicht fällt auf Rania Redas dunkelbraunes Haar, als sie die Bühne betritt, um vor knapp 400 Leuten ihr Augmented-Reality-Startup zu präsentieren. Ihr Herz rast. Auch nach 22 Jahren im Startup-Geschäft und mehr als 70 Pitches spürt sie noch den Adrenalinrausch, sagt sie. Die Zuschauer merken davon jedoch nichts: Jeder Satz sitzt perfekt, die Gesten sind routiniert. Die ägyptische Softwareentwicklerin ist eine von sechs Gründern, die an diesem Abend beim Abschlussevent von SAPs Startup-Förderprogramm „No Boundaries“ in Berlin auf der Bühne stehen.
SAP wagt mit dem Programm derzeit etwas, was in der Branche Pioniercharakter hat: eine inklusive Startup-Förderung. Mit „No Boundaries“ hat sich der deutsche Softwarekonzern das Ziel gesetzt, mindestens 40 Prozent seines Investmentfonds SAP.iO in Startups zu stecken, die von Angehörigen von Minderheiten geführt werden. Weltweit wolle man auf diese Weise bis 2025 mehr als 200 Startups an acht Standorten fördern.
As competition for top talent in every industry heats up, an award-winning AI assistant named Olivia is stepping in to help recruiters and job candidates speed past antiquated hiring norms. The brainchild of Aaron Matos, co-founder and CEO of Paradox, Olivia is entirely mobile and relies on text messaging to compress the timespan between screening qualified people and hiring dates. “The assistant’s job is to get work done, and that’s what Olivia focuses on,” said Matos. “This frees up the recruiter’s time for more valuable responsibilities, like talking face-to-face with qualified candidates.”
For the past three months, Purushothaman and her co-founders at Hardskills — an online platform that helps companies train their workforce in behavioral skills—have been one of six startups in SAP’s new B2B diversity accelerator in Berlin. The German giant, a market leader in enterprise application software, launched the SAP.iO No Boundaries initiative in January, with the goal of incubating underrepresented entrepreneurs to drive inclusive entrepreneurship and level the playing field. It plans to boost 200 such startups by 2023.
Big multinationals are increasingly bringing startups in-house or supporting them. Now software giant SAP plans to help out 200 startups founded by women and members of underrepresented minorities worldwide by 2023. SAP.iO Foundries is a worldwide network of startup projects. It has programs in Paris, Berlin, San Francisco, New York, Tel Aviv, Tokyo, Munich and Singapore. After selecting them through an application process, SAP supports young entrepreneurs with know-how and logistics.