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Meet the 7 Startups Selected for SAP’s First South East Asia Accelerator

Dubbed as SAP.iO Foundry the program aims to accelerate Southeast Asian startups, providing them access to curated mentorship, exposure to SAP technology and application programmable interfaces (APIs), and opportunities to collaborate with SAP customers.

The first cohort will consist of seven early-stage Intelligent Enterprise startups focused on business-to-business (B2B) technology.

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Revuze and Gaprise Partner Bring Self-service CX to Brands in Japan

With increased demand to predict products success in the market and to understand markets needs and sentiment, Japan-based Brands can now have an opportunity to learn from their consumers and improve their Products competitive edge.

Revuze enables brands to quickly understand their product and customer satisfaction issues, and to automatically score and rank their brand’s performance relative to its competitors and to the market.

Revuze uses AI, powered by Natural-language programming (NLP) and machine learning, to empower Brands that previously have relied on manually intensive solutions, such as text analytics, social listening and monitoring with a simple online service. Without the need to pre-define a single keyword, rule, topic or sentiment value – Insight Analysts can access the most nuanced information available. The data is delivered, via a single screen, about consumers and their needs, across thousands of internal and external data sources, on any given product Category.

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Sky is the Limit: Spirit of Innovation in SAP Asia

Blog written by Christian Klein, COO & Executive Board Member of SAP

Tomorrow’s SAP starts today. Having just returned from an amazing trip in Japan, South Korea and China, it’s clear that SAP Asia is embracing the innovation, energy and spirit that will take SAP to great heights in the future.

During the week, I spent time with customers, partners and colleagues, and from each and every one of them, I had the sense of their commitment to innovation, their engagement with technology and the powerful potential that this region holds. I also engaged with the media, who see SAP as leading the move to the intelligent enterprise.

I also met the start-ups and investors forming the first cohort of the SAP.iO Foundry in Tokyo, as well as over 600 employees who attended the All Hands Meeting and a coffee corner in person and online.

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SAP Launches SAP.iO Foundry its Acceleration Program in Singapore

SAP SE recently announced SAP.iO Foundry Singapore, its first acceleration program in Singapore.

SAP.iO Foundry Singapore program acceleration program aims to help the Southeast Asian startups for their growth, giving them the exposure to programmable application interfaces (APIs), SAP technology and curated mentorship along with the chances to team up with SAP customers.

The first cohort will consist of seven early-stage Intelligent Enterprise startups focused on business-to-business (B2B) technology.

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SAP gets into accelerator space in SG with 7 B2B startups

Global software company SAP has launched SAP.iO Foundry Singapore, its first acceleration programme in Singapore. The accelerator’s first cohort will consist of seven early-stage startups focused on business-to-business technologies, including several that help improve customer experience.

SAP.iO Foundry aims to accelerate Southeast Asian startups, providing them access to curated mentorship, exposure to SAP technology and application programmable interfaces, as well as opportunities to collaborate with SAP customers.

Companies currently include TADA, which offers a data-driven customer advocacy and engagement platform that helps brands attract, engage and retain customers; and Size n Fit, which provides an eCommerce add-on to help online shoppers find apparel that fits and reduce returns. Meanwhile, Flowcast uses patented machine-learning algorithms to harness untapped, complex data to automate credit decision-making and LuxTag provides anti-counterfeiting and anti-theft solutions through blockchain.

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SAP.iO Launches First Accelerator in Singapore

SAP SE today kicked off SAP.iO Foundry Singapore, its first acceleration program in Singapore. The program aims to accelerate Southeast Asian startups, providing them access to curated mentorship, exposure to SAP technology and application programmable interfaces (APIs), and opportunities to collaborate with SAP customers. The first cohort will consist of seven early-stage Intelligent Enterprise startups focused on business-to-business (B2B) technology.

“SAP is committed to Singapore’s dynamic startup ecosystem,” said Lalitha Bhaskara, head of SAP.iO Foundries Asia Pacific Japan. “We are excited to be working hand in hand over the next three months with these innovative startups to help them deliver winning outcomes and incremental value to our customers.”

The first cohort also includes several startups founded or led by strong female entrepreneurs, a testament to SAP’s belief that a healthy ecosystem includes entrepreneurs from diverse backgrounds and in line with the SAP.iO No Boundaries initiative.

The first SAP.iO Foundry Singapore cohort includes the following startups:

  • Flowcast Inc.: Uses patented machine-learning algorithms to harness untapped, complex data to automate credit decision-making. This provides greater visibility to customers to address underserved markets.
  • Pulsifi: Predicts workplace outcomes to identify, retain and develop great people. By using artificial intelligence to incorporate multiple data sources across hard skills and soft traits, this HR analytics platform derives employee success profiles to improve HR decisions across the employee lifecycle, from hiring to development.
  • Notarum: Provides a modern workflow tool designed to reduce busywork by automating corporate due diligence. Notarum makes performing due diligence analysis and sharing work with teammates easier than ever.
  • Adaface: Enables and automates first-round tech interviews to identify the best engineering talent faster.
  • TADA: Offers a data-driven customer advocacy and engagement platform that helps brands moving from transactions to relationships and customers to advocates. This enables businesses to attract, engage and retain customers.
  • Size n Fit: Helps online shoppers find apparel that fits. This e-commerce add-on aims to increase sales and reduce returns.
  • LuxTag: Provides an anticounterfeiting and antitheft solution that uses blockchain-enabled traceability to deter product counterfeiting and fraud.

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SAP launches Singapore accelerator for South-east Asia enterprise startups

GERMAN software giant SAP aims to groom South-east Asian startups specialised in enterprise tech, with the launch of its first accelerator in Singapore on Tuesday. 

Called the SAP.iO Foundry Singapore, the accelerator is kicking off with seven early-stage startups focused on business-to-business (B2B) technology. 

The startups will gain access to mentorship, SAP’s technology and application programmable interfaces (APIs), and potential collaborations with SAP customers.

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SAP launches Singapore accelerator for SE Asian enterprise tech start-ups

German software giant SAP aims to groom South-east Asian start-ups specialised in enterprise tech, with the launch of its first accelerator in Singapore on Tuesday (Aug 13). Called the SAP.iO Foundry Singapore, the accelerator is kicking off with seven early-stage start-ups focused on business-to-business (B2B) technology. The start-ups will gain access to mentorship, SAP’s technology and application programmable interfaces (APIs), and potential collaborations with SAP customers.

Participants focused on workplace tools include Pulsifi, which uses artificial intelligence to improve hiring and employee development decisions; Notarum, which automates corporate due diligence; and Adaface, which automates first-round interviews to identify engineering talent. Other start-ups taking part in the accelerator include Flowcast, which uses machine-learning to automate credit decision-making, and Size n Fit, an e-commerce add-on that helps online shoppers find clothes that fit.

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Startups by Women Get Spotlight in SAP.iO No Boundaries

People mingling in conversation

Startups by women took merely 2.2 % of venture capital in 2017 according to data from PitchBook Data Inc., a financial data and software company headquartered in Seattle. It was also found that less than 13% of venture capital went to US startups with at least one female founder.

Startups by women and minority founders have been the focus of SAP.iO No Boundaries, SAP’s initiative to offer venture capital and incubation to underrepresented entrepreneurs, since its launch at the start of 2019.

Shoba Purushothaman, a founder of multiple startups in the last 18 years, is one of the women leaders that have received support from SAP. Purushothaman and her co-founders at Hardskills, an online platform that helps companies train their workforce in behavioural skills, have been one of six startups in SAP’s new B2B diversity accelerator in Berlin.

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SAP’s First Accelerator In S’pore Aims To Groom B2B Tech Startups In SEA

German software firm SAP announced the launch of its first startup accelerator in Singapore.

Called SAP.iO Foundry Singapore, the firm is looking to groom Southeast Asian startups that have a focus on enterprise tech.

Startups under their accelerator won’t just gain access to SAP’s APIs and tech, but will also benefit from mentorships and potential collaborations with SAP customers.

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Jung, weiß, männlich war gestern: Warum SAP bei der Startup-Förderung einen anderen Weg geht

Das Scheinwerferlicht fällt auf Rania Redas dunkelbraunes Haar, als sie die Bühne betritt, um vor knapp 400 Leuten ihr Augmented-Reality-Startup zu präsentieren. Ihr Herz rast. Auch nach 22 Jahren im Startup-Geschäft und mehr als 70 Pitches spürt sie noch den Adrenalinrausch, sagt sie. Die Zuschauer merken davon jedoch nichts: Jeder Satz sitzt perfekt, die Gesten sind routiniert. Die ägyptische Softwareentwicklerin ist eine von sechs Gründern, die an diesem Abend beim Abschlussevent von SAPs Startup-Förderprogramm „No Boundaries“ in Berlin auf der Bühne stehen.

SAP wagt mit dem Programm derzeit etwas, was in der Branche Pioniercharakter hat: eine inklusive Startup-Förderung. Mit „No Boundaries“ hat sich der deutsche Softwarekonzern das Ziel gesetzt, mindestens 40 Prozent seines Investmentfonds SAP.iO in Startups zu stecken, die von Angehörigen von Minderheiten geführt werden. Weltweit wolle man auf diese Weise bis 2025 mehr als 200 Startups an acht Standorten fördern.


SAP.iO Foundry Berlin: Accelerator für innovative Startups

Stellen Sie sich doch unseren Lesern kurz vor

Ich bin Astrid Freier und leite seit Mai dieses Jahres den Accelerator SAP.iO Foundry  in Berlin. Es ist für mich ein Traumjob, da ich seit Jahren im Berliner Ökosystem zu Hause bin und hier nun wirkungsvoll die Brücke zwischen innovativen Startups, SAP und seinen Kunden schlagen kann. Mir macht es dabei sehr viel Spaß, mit diversen Teams zusammenarbeiten und meine verschiedenen Verbindungen aus Japan, USA etc. einzubringen.

Stellen Sie uns und unseren Lesern SAP.iO Foundry Berlin kurz vor!

Mit SAP.iO Foundry bieten wir innovativen Startups zweimal pro Jahr gründerfreundliche und equity-freie Programme. Kern dieser sind der Zugang zu unseren mehr als 400.000 Kunden und zu unseren Technologien, um die Lösungen der Startups mit SAP-Produkten zu verknüpfen. Uns ist dabei sehr wichtig, dass wir Gründerinnen und Gründer unterrepräsentierter Gruppen zu fördern. Gerade haben wir sechs großartige Startups im Programm, die von Frauen oder Angehörigen von Minderheiten mitgegründet wurden. Schon jetzt scouten wir für das nächste Programm nach innovativen Lösungen im Bereich Governance, Finance, Risk und Compliance, das am 30. September 2019 startet.


Recruiters And Job Candidates Love Talking With This AI Assistant

As competition for top talent in every industry heats up, an award-winning AI assistant named Olivia is stepping in to help recruiters and job candidates speed past antiquated hiring norms. The brainchild of Aaron Matos, co-founder and CEO of Paradox, Olivia is entirely mobile and relies on text messaging to compress the timespan between screening qualified people and hiring dates. “The assistant’s job is to get work done, and that’s what Olivia focuses on,” said Matos. “This frees up the recruiter’s time for more valuable responsibilities, like talking face-to-face with qualified candidates.”

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