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Die Beschleunigerin

Alexa Gorman sucht für SAP die besten Software-Start-ups – und achtet dabei besonders auf diverse Teams.

Alexa Gorman weiß, was ein gutes Start-up ausmacht, trotzdem wollte sie selbst nie gründen. Das liegt daran, dass sie seit 20 Jahren einen Job bei SAP hat, der ihr “super viel Spaß macht”. Und davor war die Start-up-Welt noch eine andere. “Damals gab es keine Gründerkultur, keine Acceleratoren, kein Ökosystem”, sagt die 46-Jährige. Heute gibt es sie, die Inkubatoren und Acceleratoren – zu Deutsch: Beschleuniger, die Jungunternehmern helfen, zu starten und zu wachsen. Einer davon ist SAP.iO. Gorman ist Leiterin der Foundries, der lokalen Ableger, in Europa und Israel. 141 Start-ups haben die weltweit acht Foundries seit der Gründung 2017 gefördert. Die durchlaufen ein dreimonatiges Programm und dürfen am Ende ihre Software über eine SAP-Plattform anbieten. So bekommen die Start-ups Zugang zu SAP-Kunden und das Software-Unternehmen ein breiteres Angebot und eine Provision.


How diversity and inclusion improve your finance function

As with so much of what we do today in finance, technology can help you. Well-intended education initiatives simply aren’t enough. At SAP, we’re increasingly using machine learning and artificial intelligence embedded in human experience management software to alert us if job descriptions or management behaviors exhibit inherent bias. Cultivate is an AI software created in our SAP.iO startup accelerator that alerts managers when they’re giving disproportionate time and attention to some employees over others.

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Starting Up the Circular Economy

What if you could identify and quantify waste even before it was created? Would this be revolutionary? One person’s waste is another person’s treasure, so the biowaste created by an industrial farm could be the biofuel that a production company needs. And being able to predict how much biowaste is available at the farm at any given time means you can begin creating a secure supply chain.

That is the ethos behind the circular economy. It’s also the idea behind iNex, one of eight startups recently invited to the SAP.iO Foundry Paris program’s greentech and sustainable enterprise cohort.

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How to match job candidates on the autism spectrum

The companies SAP.iO and Daivergent are collaborating on a process that matches job candidates who have been identified as being on the autism spectrum. This is through the Daivergent for Autism Recruiting solution.

The partnership enables companies using SAP Fieldglass solutions to hire and manage neurodiverse talent who have been sourced and trained by Daivergent. Key to this mission is software development. SAP.iO helps innovators inside and outside of SAP build products, find customers, and change industries. To discover more, Digital Journal spoke with Vanessa Liu.

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Can AI Cure What Ails the Healthcare Industry?

Personal healthcare experiences often spark pioneering cures, and Hindsait CEO Pinaki Dasgupta is no exception. After two immediate family members weathered serious health issues, Dasgupta brought his digital expertise in manufacturing to the healthcare industry.

His cloud-based startup is designed to help insurance companies and healthcare organizations reduce costs while boosting patient health by replacing manual reporting, preauthorization, and audits with automation based on artificial intelligence (AI).

Healthcare spending in the U.S. alone has totaled almost 18 percent of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP), an astounding amount. While the causes are complex, Dasgupta points to unnecessary procedures, inefficiencies, errors, abuse, and fraud as among the top culprits. AI was just emerging when he founded Hindsait in 2013 amid a swirl of market-wide healthcare reform model

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SAP Customer Experience Live Munich

On November 4th, our organization hosted an exclusive pre-event for SAP Customer Experience Live Munich.

Held at the SAP Customer Experience Labs showroom, the “Experience: Innovation” meetup brought together diverse internal and external stakeholders, with the goal of sharing knowledge and cultivating valuable relationships around key innovation topics. We were happy to welcome over 50 attendees of customers, partners, and members of the press. The unique event was made possible by sponsor and partner Netconomy, as well as appreciated contributors SAP.iO, SAP Digital Commerce, and SAP C/4HANA Foundation.

Our program was kicked off with a rousing introduction from Eugenio Cassiano (Chief Innovation Officer at SAP CX), followed by an in-depth look at our current research and development into emerging technologies, provided by Georg Kreimer (Head of SAP CX Labs).

Next, the audience was treated to a lighthouse customer discussion between Harry Thomsen (SAP Regional President Middle & Eastern Europe) and Johannes Langguth (Senior Director, Finance Systems, Delivery Hero).

In the breakout sessions, attendees toured the SAP.iO Foundry Munich and heard pitches from startups participating in the current Commerce and Marketing accelerator program. They also learned about the progressive B2B omnichannel experiences provided by the SAP App Center, and how SAP Cloud Platform Extension Factory and open source project Kyma enable easy, agile augmentation of SAP C/4HANA solutions.

Through engaging talks, inspiring showcases, and opportunities to network with like-minded peers, the “Experience: Innovation” event was a great success.

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Shall we join a corporate accelerator?

Among the (many) steps on the road from an idea to a successful business, the decision to join a startup accelerator program for early entrepreneurs is a fundamental one.

It often raises very deep questions, sometimes even going so far as to question the very nature of entrepreneurship, the genesis of the project, its ambition, its outline. Joining a startup accelerator can only be achieved after having thoroughly considered the implications of such a process and the opportunities it might create. Let’s shed some more light on some key questions early-stage entrepreneurs need to ask themselves…

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Can Artificial Intelligence Cure What Ails The Healthcare Industry?

Personal healthcare experiences often spark pioneering cures, and Pinaki Dasgupta, CEO of Hindsait, is no exception. After two immediate family members weathered serious health issues, Dasgupta brought his digital expertise in manufacturing to the healthcare industry. His cloud-based startup is designed to help insurance companies and healthcare organizations reduce costs while boosting patient health by replacing manual reporting, preauthorization, and audits with AI-based automation.

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9 nouvelles startups sélectionnées pour rejoindre Le Village by CA Paris

Le Village by CA, écosystème unique où startups et grands groupes se rencontrent et coopèrent pour innover ensemble, s’apprête à accueillir 9 nouvelles startups au sein de son entité parisienne. Ces dernières ont passé avec succès le comité de sélection vendredi 22 novembre 2019. Pour elles, c’est parti pour deux ans d’accélération au sein du Village by CA. Lire la suite…

Daivergent for Autism Recruiting Now Available to SAP Fieldglass Customers

Today’s data-driven companies need talent with twenty-first century skills such as computer programming, quality assurance, data validation and graphic design – skills uniquely suited for individuals on the autism spectrum. To help companies find that specialized talent, SAP Fieldglass and Daivergent today announced the Daivergent for Autism Recruiting solution is now available to SAP Fieldglass customers on the SAP App Center, the digital marketplace for SAP partner offerings. The partnership enables companies using SAP Fieldglass solutions to hire and manage neurodiverse talent who have been sourced and trained by Daivergent.

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