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Innovative Solutions from SAP.iO Startups Help Business Succeed Amid COVID-19: Sustainability

The third SAP Purpose Network webinar launched on the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. Reflecting on what Earth day stands for we remember what is at stake if we underestimate our interconnectedness. This includes protecting the health of people as well as the planet. The importance of global connection has never been more apparent than now in the era of COVID-19. We see the value of collaboration in order to persist, are reflecting on things above ourselves, raising our heads to look toward the bigger picture. In this time of crisis many companies are looking toward this new future and reevaluating how their business can not only support people but the planet we all live on. We are very fortunate that SAP.iO has the great opportunity to work with people who have done just this.

One such person is Min Chen, CEO of Wisy, who is using her unique background to help make environmental improvement to our planet. Wisy is a software platform for real-time online and offline data collection, using AI driven analytics and behavioral design to empower fast, precise decisions and action across multiple industries, such as construction, smart cities, brands and retail. Recently, Wisy became part of the winning team led by a nonprofit association that takes action and raises awareness about solid waste pollution in the rivers and coasts of Panama. The grant they were awarded helps develop and implement a project that mitigates the problem of plastic in the Matías Hernández river, helping recycle and reduce flow of waste from rivers before they reach the ocean.

Wisy is convinced that technology should be used to solve the great challenges society is facing nowadays. Chen and company have started to use their technology during COVID-19 to help their customers figure out how to get products faster to customers, consumer package companies to improve back end processes to improve delivery time and work out how to coordinate delivery direct to the consumer. Not only are they looking to reduce flow of plastics in rivers, they are helping customers look into ways of reducing the type and amount of packaging they use.

Another champion for the environment is CEO Olivier Gambari, whose company Inex locates surplus resources within a region and offers a material exchanges between companies to reduce waste and recycle materials. Annually the company has collected and repurposed an average of a ½ million tons per year to date, and they are hoping to increase that number to 1 million next year.

In Europe 80% of the waste comes from industrials. 60% of this waste is not recycled due to the lack of information on their location. The lack of knowledge regarding amount of waste used observed lead Inex to create a tool to gain the necessary information to recycle this waste. Based on predictive algorithms, built from their database, Inex produces statistical profiles for each company. Based on a learning base of recycling solutions, the interface offers potential exchanges.

As a result of the current pandemic, the French government reached out to Inex asking if they could find the raw materials necessary to create hand sanitizer. Up to the challenge, Inex adjusted their algorithm to detect these essential ingredients. Creating a map that details information identifying if a source has those raw materials, if they can deliver, if they are in stock, and where they are located. This is important to the current crisis, but also support cracking down on waste as they are finding raw materials used in everyday production not currently in use because the company may not be open for business at this time. A win-win for all.

Joining the fight against CO-2 emissions social entrepreneur Anna Ford of Jet-Set Offset looked for a solution, and not finding one that met her need, created her own. After flying a lot for business and personal travel she began to consider her own carbon footprint, she found a body of research on individual contribution to climate change and what can be done to have the biggest impact as individuals. At the top of list…. stop flying. Looking back on her frequent flyer history, she started to researching carbon offsetting. She realized she wanted to build something on positivity and make a difference by generating nonprofit donations for environmental conscious companies. And she did it, Jet-Set Offset currently partners with 13 nonprofits, and achieved offset donation for over 5 million miles to date.

Jet-Set Offset is a donation-based carbon-offsetting tool for air travel, the site operates as a SaaS fundraising tool for environmental nonprofit organizations and facilitates automatic, mileage-based donations from travelers’ flights. Jet-Set Offset offers a business and consumer-friendly alternative to the traditional carbon marketplace. They have developed an approach to raise awareness of the environmental impact of air travel, support corporate sustainability goals, and inspire eco-conscious travelers and businesses to take action. Travelers and companies can subscribe to Jet-Set Offset and choose to support an environmental nonprofit organization automatically every time they, or their employees fly.

Jet-Set Offset’s nonprofit partners are working towards local climate solutions across the country, operating certified carbon offset and credit projects, as well as advocacy, education, renewable energy, reforestation, and/or conservation programs. Because the lack of travel due to the global pandemic, a lot of these nonprofits are struggling with fundraising. In order to show their support to these companies, Jet-Set offset launched a new program where you are able to go back and donate based on your past 10,000 miles, check out #Offset10MillionMiles. Next time you fly, consider searching for flights on and transparently compare carbon emissions per passenger when you do.

We couldn’t be prouder of these three startups and are so thankful for the opportunity to work with them to make the world run better. Be sure to check out how over 60 of our SAP.iO startups have stepped up to show their support during this time by creating COVID-19 specific offers to help spread the positivity globally.

Innovation in a time of uncertainty: How SAP.iO startups support relief efforts for COVID-19

As a global leader, SAP’s vision is to help the world run better, and to make a difference by improving lives, even in times of uncertainty. While 2020 has brought a whole new set of challenges, SAP looks to do as promised, bring people together to create solutions and innovations for the betterment of the greater good and create real solutions to the global issues we are confronted by today. With that in mind SAP has launched SAP Purpose Network Live, a virtual platform that brings together the global SAP purpose network to unlock the power of co-innovation at scale so we can empower one another in the face of the disruption and uncertainty caused by COVID-19. The time for these conversations is now.

SAP Purpose Network Live provides a space for collaboration and support of relief efforts for COVID-19 featuring weekly engaging sessions related to our everchanging environment. As a kickoff to this series, they have featured SAP.iO’s Ram Jambunathan, to explore how its startups have answered the call to support relief efforts for COVID-19. SAP.iO is SAP’s strategic business unit focused on accelerating innovations and exploring new business models. Ram discusses building a bridge between relevant start up innovations and customer needs to ensure they get the most value from their investments, and how they can connect and empower their own employees. Today, many employees have made the shift to work at home, this is new to the majority and we are seeing a quick need for readjustment. In this new paradigm, startups have responded to help navigate through our new environment. They are asking the question, how can we help empower managers to build better organizational health, help employees develop new skills, and stay connected?

One of those that answered the call is Joe Freed, Co-founder and CEO for Cultivate AI who participated in the SAP.iO foundry program two years ago. Cultivate helps enterprises empower their leaders with an AI-coaching platform for digital and remote work. When opted in by managers, Cultivate’s AI analyzes managers digital communication with their team – email, chat, and calendar – to provide continuous and actionable leadership insights and coaching to strengthen workplace relationships and improve the employee experience. More relevant today than ever as they help connect all the ways a company communicates for work. With a click of a button managers have the tools to strengthen relationships in this new work from home environment.

How a manager treats their team is a driver of motivation and engagement and has a profound impact. Working in the world of COVID-19, global enterprises are relying more heavily, if not 100%, on digital communications with their teams, and to help make this more seamless, Cultivate will pay the costs of integration and setup fees, and let any SAP enterprise customer use Cultivate for free with no user limits for the rest of 2020.

So-Young Kang, Founder and CEO of Gnowbe, is seeing that COVID-19 has created an urgency to find new digital communication tools, and an new emphasis on how to use those to move to the next level of engagement. Gnowbe is a mobile microlearning and engagement platform designed to provide companies with the data and analytics to manage their business more effectively. Their content authoring platform enables companies to create content on their mobile phone or desktop to provide their employees all they need to know to do their jobs better.

So-Young talks emphasizes the need of physical distancing while staying even more socially connected than ever before. In our new work from home environment, life revolves around video conferencing, and the need to engage in human ways, looking at traditional video conference and reimaging it face-to-face. Gnowbe’s clients are seeing that they can still create an emotional human connection digitally, technology can be more inclusive than face-to-face at times. Gnowbe asked themselves, how can we help, how can we be of use in this ever-changing time? In its effort to provide support, Gnowbe is offering 3 months free for 200 user licenses. No set-up fees. Free administration and curation training.

Difficult times calls for us to look towards the best in all of us, and in doing so we have the opportunity to come out stronger together on the other end. You can hear more of this discussion on how SAP.iO Startups help businesses succeed amid COVID-19 episode 1 here. SAP Purpose Network Live provides a space for collaboration and support of relief efforts for COVID-19. Learn more about SAP’s purpose and promise and response to COVID-19. Please also take a look at other SAP.iO startups that are looking to help their customers in this new environment at

SAP.iO Foundry Berlin Industry 4.0 Demo Day | 2020

When we couldn’t have the usual festivities to mark the end of the 3-month Industry 4.0 program at #FoundryBerlin, we brought all the teams together virtually and used some archival footage to recreate the full Demo Day experience. This playful and ‘cinematic’ take on a typical Demo Day showcases the startup teams’ solutions as well as their charming personalities and vision for the future. It’s a behind-the-scene look at the visionaries who are making a difference in the world, as well as the power of relentless optimism in the face of a global pandemic.

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The 2020 Industry 4.0 Graduates are: Agranimo, Soley, LiveEO, Wandelbots, 3DQR, and Fretlink.

Are you a startup looking for your next BIG challenge? JOIN US:

Jobful, start-up founded by Mihai Cepoi, receives an investment of 250,000 euros

Launched in May 2018, the Jobful platform is dedicated to both young professionals who want to develop their careers and companies who want to streamline the recruitment process through a first test of candidates, as well as their interest.

In December 2018 he was third in Startarium, and in April 2019 he was accepted in the accelerator in Berlin. In May this year, Jobful was one of three Romanian startups selected to present their product at the South East Europe Tech Tour 2019.

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Three Ways Technology Can Help Save Retailers

Unless you’re selling sweatpants, which sold out 80 percent faster in April versus February this year, most fashion retailers face a dire spring and summer. J.C. Penney is the most recent casualty amongst retail giants, joining Nieman Marcus, Macy’s M and others in filing for bankruptcy. Meanwhile, April retail sales in the United States plunged 17.8 percent compared with 2019.

Stores in some parts of the United States are reopening, but not fully. The number of customers allowed inside stores may be limited — and many people will continue to stay away from non-essential businesses. To survive the financial fallout from the coronavirus pandemic, retailers need new ways to stay close to customers virtually.

Here, two startup founders and an SAP expert describe how technology can help retailers survive and recover – while keeping their brands and customer followings intact.

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Le fonds de SAP investit dans Andjaro

La filiale d’investissement de SAP dans les startups, SAP.iO Fund, a investi dans la seconde phase de financement d’Andjaro. a mis au pot pour un tour B d’Andjaro, une société basée à Paris qui permet l’optimisation des effectifs en temps réel et aide les entreprises à assurer la gestion et le recrutement des collaborateurs à distance.

La série B de 13,4 millions d’euros a été menée par Idinvest Partners et comprend l’investisseur actuel, Balderton Capital. Andjaro s’intègre aux solutions cloud de gestion de ressources humains SAP SuccessFactors. SAP collabore avec Andjaro pour fournir à ses clients une vue d’ensemble en temps réel des besoins en personnel, des compétences disponibles à proximité afin de proposer un redéploiement volontaire sur une courte période. SAP.iO Fund avait déjà investi, en 2018, dans la série A, menée par Balderton.

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Scantrust partners with SAP to deliver end-to-end farm-to-consumer traceability solutions

Scantrust, a connected goods platform for companies that depend on selling physical products in a connected world, has developed an integration to the material traceability option for SAP® Logistics Business Network giving food and beverage brand consumers the ability to track the end-to-end provenance of their food. This integration marks a critical milestone toward accelerating digitization in the food and beverage industry and is the continuation of efforts already started during the SAP.iO accelerator program last year.

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SAP.iO Foundry Paris recherche des pépites de l’approvisionnement pour sa cinquième promotion

SAP.iO Foundry Paris lance un nouvel appel à candidatures pour trouver les startups qui formeront la cinquième promotion de son accélérateur. Pour répondre aux défis posés par la crise du COVID-19, cette cohorte sera spécialisée dans l’approvisionnement. Les startups françaises mais aussi européennes peuvent déposer leur candidature jusqu’au 19 juillet pour espérer bénéficier, pendant 10 semaines, du programme d’accélération de SAP.

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En bref, les actus de Flitdesk, SAP.iO et Des Bras en Plus

SAP.iO Foundry Paris lance un nouvel appel à candidatures pour trouver les startups qui formeront la cinquième promotion de son accélérateur. Pour répondre aux défis posés par la crise du COVID-19, cette cohorte sera spécialisée dans l’approvisionnement. Les startups françaises mais aussi européennes peuvent déposer leur candidature jusqu’au 19 juillet pour espérer bénéficier, pendant 10 semaines, du programme d’accélération de SAP

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SAP.iO Foundry Paris recherche des startups du domaine du « procurement » pour sa nouvelle promo

SAP.iO Foundry Paris lance un nouvel appel à candidatures pour trouver les startups qui formeront la 5ème promotion de l’accélérateur parisien. Pendant la crise du COVID-19, beaucoup d’entreprises ont connu des perturbations de leur chaine d’approvisionnement. Pour offrir de nouvelles solutions innovantes aux entreprises, SAP.iO Foundry Paris va recruter cette fois une sélection de jeunes pousses spécialisées dans le domaine de l’approvisionnement. Les startups françaises mais aussi européennes peuvent candidater dès aujourd’hui jusqu’au 19 juillet 2020 pour bénéficier, pendant 10 semaines, du programme d’accélération d’exception de SAP.

Enrichir les offres SAP S/4HANA et SAP Ariba

Cette nouvelle promotion regroupera 6 à 8 startups innovantes orientées « procurement » pouvant apporter beaucoup de valeur aux clients SAP et complémentaires aux offres leaders du marché SAP S/4HANA et SAP Ariba. Les jeunes pousses seront notamment retenues pour leurs approches novatrices de gestion des approvisionnements qui visent à simplifier l’expérience utilisateur, l’automatisation des process et une gestion des données améliorées.

Les startups sélectionnées devront répondre à plusieurs enjeux : comprendre l’univers SAP pour pouvoir construire une relation business de confiance, créer une intégration technique entre leur solution et celles de SAP et rencontrer les clients de SAP tout au long du programme. A l’issue du programme, les solutions des startups rejoindront l’App Center de SAP et notamment l’Ariba Network le plus grand réseau commercial B2B au monde avec 4,6 millions d’entreprises sont connectées dans 190 pays.

Un programme d’accélération mature qui se développe à l’échelle européenne pour dénicher les meilleures startups

Après deux années de succès, SAP.iO Foundry Paris se développe et ouvre ses portes à des startups européennes. L’objectif reste le même : dénicher les meilleures startups pour répondre au mieux aux besoins et aux attentes de SAP. Ce nouveau programme sera également virtualisé afin de permettre à toutes les startups, quel que soit le fuseau horaire, de suivre la formation.

Les startups sélectionnées feront partie d’un programme de 10 semaines et travailleront aux côtés de cadres et de mentors internationaux (cadres SAP et mentors externes) pour se concentrer sur leurs défis uniques.

« La gestion des approvisionnements des entreprises a été bousculée ces derniers mois avec la crise du COVID-19. Cette prochaine promotion vise à apporter toujours plus de valeur aux entreprises et des solutions complémentaires à nos clients SAP S/4HANA et SAP Ariba. Parce que nous souhaitons nous entourer des meilleures startups du moment, nous allons élargir la portée du programme et intégrer les meilleures pépites sur le sujet. Le programme est donc ouvert aux startups européennes avec nous l’espérons une forte représentation française ! », explique Sébastien Gibier, Directeur de SAP.iO Foundry Paris.

A propos de SAP

SAP est le leader du marché des applications d’entreprise : 77% des transactions financières mondiales passent par un système SAP. L’entreprise accompagne les organisations de toute taille et de tout secteur à mieux opérer. Nos technologies de machine learning, d’Internet des objets (IoT), d’analytique avancée et de gestion de l’expérience aident nos clients à transformer leur activité en « entreprise intelligente ». SAP dote les professionnels d’une vision approfondie sur leur activité et favorise la collaboration pour garder une longueur d’avance sur leurs concurrents. Pour les entreprises, nous simplifions la technologie afin qu’elles puissent utiliser nos logiciels comme elles le souhaitent, sans interruption. Notre suite d’applications de bout en bout et nos services permettent à plus de 440 000 clients d’opérer de manière rentable, de s’adapter en permanence et de faire la différence. Avec son réseau mondial de clients, partenaires, employés et leaders d’opinion, SAP aide le monde à mieux fonctionner et à améliorer la vie de chacun. Pour plus d’information, visitez le site

SAP.iO Fund Invests in Andjaro, an Internal HR Staffing Marketplace Connected to SAP SuccessFactors Solutions

SAP SE (NYSE: SAP) today announced that its investment arm, SAP.iO Fund, has invested in second round funding of Andjaro, a Paris-based company that provides real-time workforce optimization and helps manage and staff remote workers. The €13.4 million Series B round was led by Idinvest Partners and includes existing investor Balderton Capital.

Andjaro helps companies redeploy employees internally and works with SAP SuccessFactors solutions. SAP works with Andjaro to provide SAP customers with a real-time overview on staffing gaps, employee skills, availability and proximity to propose voluntary redeployment for a short period of time. SAP.iO Fund previously invested in the Balderton-led 2018 Series A round.

“SAP customers are continually exploring how to best allocate their most valuable resource — their talent — especially in the current environment,” said Ram Jambunathan, SAP senior vice president and managing director of SAP.iO. “Andjaro’s platform can provide enterprises with new opportunities to redeploy existing human resources efficiently.”

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LabsTalk – Storifyme with Nemanja Popovic

In this episode, we chat with a startup  founder in SAP.iO Foundry Munich’s Spring 2020 cohort. Nemanja Popovic, CEO of StorifyMe, explains how his company helps businesses engage on social media, shares insights on content technology trends, and tells us about his experiences going from corporate developer to innovation entrepreneur.

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Une filière industrielle de gel hydroalcoolique créée en deux semaines

Au début du confinement, Inex Circular, TPE parisienne, sorte de « Tinder des déchets », accélérée par Antropia Essec, Polytechnique et SAP.iO, a été sollicité par l’Agence régionale de santé (ARS) et la CCI de la région Grand Est. Il faut rapidement trouver les stocks de matières premières : éthanol, alcool, peroxyde d’hydrogène, glycérol, glycérine… pour mettre en place une filière de production de gel hydroalcoolique à destination des hôpitaux. Un défi que la TPE va relever grâce à ses bases de données et son outil d’intelligence artificielle.

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