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L’intelligence artificielle au service de l’optimisation énergétique

SAP, leader du marché des logiciels d’application d’entreprises, rencontre la startup française Energiency en 2017. La jeune pépite, spécialisée dans l’optimisation de la consommation énergétique des grands groupes industriels, rejoint le programme d’accélération SAP.iO Foundry à Paris à la suite de VivaTech 2018. À l’issu de son incubation, ses solutions sont intégrées aux modules SAP.


VivaStories: SAP & Energiency

Created in 2013, Energiency noted that industry accounts for 30% of global CO2 emissions, mainly due to the energy consumption of production sites. To better control this, the French startup has developed an artificial intelligence solution that allows plants to optimize their energy expenses.

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Five Years Strong: Silicon Valley Forum’s 2019 Women in Tech Festival Makes Waves in Silicon Valley and Beyond

Now in its fifth year, the Women in Tech Festival features two days of inspirational talks, panels, keynotes, and startup pitches, as well as networking opportunities. This year the Silicon Valley Forum welcomed SAP.iO as Silver Sponsor, partnering with the Women in Tech Festival underlines our belief in the importance of inclusivity at work.

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SAP.iO Foundry Paris launches a new cohort of startups who are redefining the retail customer experience

SAP.iO Foundry Paris, SAP’s startup accelerator, kicked off its second cohort of B2B startups on April 3rd at CX Revolution. This program will accelerate eight startups that offer innovative customer experience technologies to retail business and brands. Located in the heart of Paris and led by Sebastien Gibier, SAP.iO Foundry Paris accelerates early-stage startup innovation by providing mentorship, technology integration and access to the SAP ecosystem. With this second SAP.iO Foundry Paris program, SAP is cementing its status as a catalyst for innovation in France by helping its customers access the best-of-breed of emerging technologies and by nurturing visionary startups who are delivering enormous value for countless SAP customers world-wide.

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Modern Leadership Coaching For New Executives: We Wish We Had This Earlier

Sounding Board’s fast growth reflects HR’s fundamental transformation. Companies are rethinking how technology can drive the people function for leadership development. Meantime, digitally savvy employees in far-flung locations are comfortable sharing personal challenges on trusted platforms. The startup uses a proprietary Sound Coaching methodology, assigning coaches to executives based on a six-point matching process. Sounding Board has a 95 percent success rate on first matches to date. The method also collects feedback from managers, peers and others regarding development areas for the executive, aligning information with the company’s goals and values.

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«CX Revolution» placé sous le signe du partage et de l’émotion

A toutes et à tous,
C’est un grand succès pour tout SAP en France ! Avec plus de 600 participants, l’événement «CX Revolution» du 3 avril a été une immense opportunité pour présenter SAP sous son visage le plus innovant, avec l’Humain au centre. Et pour cette première édition, nous avons attaché une importance toute particulière à mettre l’émotion au cœur de cette expérience client. Animé par François Massemin, VP – Head of Customer Experience SAP France et Alex Atzberger, President Customer Experience – SAP, je peux vous dire que nos messages ont trouvé un incroyable écho chez nos clients, prospects et partenaires.

Sap.iO Foundry Paris intègre 8 nouvelles start-up retail. Voici ce qu’elles font !

Pour la deuxième promotion de son accélérateur parisien, un comité d’experts composé de collaborateurs SAP et de clients retailers a sélectionné 8 start-up de la retail tech. Toutes centrées autour de l’expérience client, ces jeunes pousses seront immergées au sein de SAP.iO Foundry Paris pour 10 semaines. Les nouvelles recrues ont été dévoilées ce 3 avril 2019 lors de l’événement CX Revolution 2019. Voici leurs portraits.

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SAP.iO: Two Years, Three Key Learnings

Once upon a time, the startup vs. big company story was like that of David and Goliath. The large company, comfortable in its market dominance, only to be upset by the agile, hungry, underdog startup who used its lowly position to have an ear closer to the ground of innovation. The managing Director of SAP.iO had the privilege of helping to direct a different story: that of the mouse and the lion realized how their unique strengths and sizes can complement each other.

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Mother’s Wish Spurs Childhood Friends to Pioneer Autism Talent Pool Startup

The power of neurodiversity is super-personal to the co-founders of Daivergent Inc., a cloud-based startup that connects people on the autism spectrum with employers that need their unique skills in a data-driven world. Daivergent is one of eight startups participating in the SAP.iO Foundry New York, an accelerator for early-stage enterprise tech companies building solutions that incorporate business beyond bias or drive sustainability.

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Rawabi Startup Challenge

 SAP.iO together with the SAP Training & Development Institute team and Rawabi TechHub ran the SAP.iO Rawabi Startup Challenge from March to May 2019 to support and encourage entrepreneurship in Rawabi and the Palestinian Territories. 

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