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The next steps for SCALUE, a game-changer in procurement analytics

A lot has happened since we last talked to Thomas Teichmann, one of the co-founders, along with Samir Kharkan, and managing director of SCALUE, in 2019. Since then, their tool became available at SAP® Store, the online marketplace for SAP and partner offerings. They also welcomed Dr. Ulrich Piepel, former top manager from RWE | innogy and current Senior Advisor from BCG & SAP Ariba, to their advisory board.

“Procurement analytics is the next step, replacing legacy spend cubes and bringing a new dimension to procurement organizations in terms of total spend transparency, process efficiency, automation, savings, and maverick buying,” saysDr. Ulrich Piepel, former CPO of RWE and innogy about the future of procurement analytics.

SCALUE’s procurement analytics plug-and-play app gives SMEs and corporates a chance to address their supply chain pain points without manually inserting data in an Excel sheet. Their automated, cloud-based technology will soon become a crucial competitive advantage to keep businesses up to date with digitalization.

As a result, the SaaS procurement tool keeps getting the attention of Chief Procurement Officers (CPOs), Chief Financial Officers (CFOs), and other industry leaders looking to improve their digitalization efforts to overcome challenges in the supply chain.

How does SCALUE help CPOs?

With APIs instead of spreadsheets, SMEs and corporates benefit from totally automated data processing (ETL). SCALUE’s benefits include:

  • 20% more cost-efficiency and 80% of time-saving, depending on the industry and supply chain;
  • An empowered team, thanks to their integrated e-learning platform to deliver educational content on procurement terminology and optimization;
  • Data to empower CPOs’ abilities to fast decision-making, preparing the foundations to remain agile should unexpected events happen;
  • And tools for CPOs to optimize and scalue their procurement processes — adding more and more value.

As the points above summarize, SCALUE’s automated and advanced procurement software helps build a transparent, digitally-forward foundation for strategic procurement processes.

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SAP Kicks Off SAP.iO Foundry Paris for Procurement Startups

 SAP SE (NYSE: SAP) announced that SAP.iO Foundry Paris kicked off its new accelerator program focused on procurement. Over the next 10 weeks, SAP will accelerate eight startups selected for their innovative approaches to supply management, user experience and process automation.

The startups will have access to technical integration guidance, curated mentorship, and exposure to SAP technology, and they will join Ariba Network, the world’s largest B2B sales network of 4.6 million business partners in 190 countries. This will help SAP to provide customers with solutions that complement its SAP S/4HANA and SAP Ariba offerings.

“Procurement is an essential part of companies’ operations that can prove to be a real economic lever,” SAP.iO Foundry Paris Director Sébastien Gibier said. “We have been able to observe various areas of improvement in the sourcing process that can guarantee companies greater efficiency, transparency and security. The eight selected startups will create innovative solutions that complement those of SAP and bring more value to our customers.”

The SAP.iO Foundry Paris cohort members are the following:

  • is an intuitive sourcing consulting platform that allows buyers to better anticipate negotiations by relying on more-advanced market data linked to the company’s purchasing data.
  • Chai is an English web application that uses state-of-the-art AI with relevant data to make price predictions on a cross-section of commodities, giving customers access to important data in the form of price forecasts.
  • Deployed is an English platform used to efficiently digitalize specifications. It uses a combination of questions and answers to write a complete and accurate specification.
  • Flowlity is a French SaaS planning solution that optimizes inventory management between companies and suppliers. Flowlity reduces the risk of overstocking and shortages by issuing alerts when certain anomalies are detected. This allows companies to act as quickly and avoid costly interruptions.
  • Per Angusta is a French collaborative SaaS solution for performance management. It enables companies to optimize their expenses, reduce risk taking, prioritize projects and measure objectives.
  • Scalue is a German web application that enables companies to identify various areas of potential savings and optimize their purchasing processes.
  • Trustpair is a French SaaS solution designed for financial departments to secure different transactions and banking information with different providers.
  • Winddle is a SaaS platform with a collaborative approach to optimizing and promoting supply-chain monitoring.

This is the fifth program at SAP.iO Foundry Paris and marks its second anniversary.