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How Pryon mitigates the risks of GenAI in enterprise contexts

With every technological innovation comes a downside; in the world of AI and its generative iteration, KM professionals must strike the balance between enhancing workflows with AI and protecting their enterprise against the risk of open generative AI (GenAI) solutions.

Experts from Pryon joined KMWorld’s webinar, Navigating the Risks of Generative AI for Knowledge Management, to explore how Pryon’s AI knowledge management platform can aid in achieving that risk/reward balance when implementing GenAI in the workplace.

Chris Mahl, president and COO at Pryon, introduced Igor Jablokov, founder and CEO at Pryon, who explained that “while generative AI is transformative in certain public, imaginative, and creative use cases, there is certain issues associated with them showing up in more enterprise contexts.”

Upon inspecting these technologies, Jablokov continued, there is an extensive list of dangers, which include:

  • Frequent hallucinations
  • Static training data
  • Problems memorialized in code
  • High risk of data leakage
  • Vendor lock-in
  • Reverse engineering
  • Lack of user access control
  • Prompt injection attacks
  • Supply chain attacks
  • Universal and transferable adversarial attacks
  • Copyright legal gray area
  • Legal constraints
  • Toxic and biased responses
  • Limitations of monolithic LLM architecture
  • Extensive energy consumption
  • Model collapse
  • Model drift
  • Poisoned training data

This laundry list of potential risks in implementing GenAI for proprietary use cases illustrates that while the technology is exciting, it’s not without its drawbacks. For instance, static training data—which limits an LLM to outdated information—can prevent the language model from outputting the most up-to-date information. Furthermore, models will not reliably “forget” wrong or outdated information, ultimately reducing overall model performance, according to Jablokov.

Outside of accuracy, GenAI poses unique privacy concerns in enterprise contexts. Leaking sensitive proprietary data, vendors using that data to train an LLM, masked queries revealing the content an LLM is trained on, and more can land an enterprise vying for innovation in hot water.

Enter Pryon, a platform purpose-built to eliminate the risks posed by purely generative approaches. Pryon transforms static content into interactive knowledge, ingesting information of any classification—including public, personal, published, and private content—and eliminating the distance between critical information and those who need it most.

Pryon reduces risk of hallucinations and bias, while simultaneously employing document-level access controls and RAG methodology that does not require model training on user queries. Enterprises have full control of the knowledge set available to the models, as well as access to various tools that enable additional control over responses.

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Adverity announces Gen AI Integration in Latest Product Strategy

Adverity, the integrated data platform for connecting, managing, and using your data at scale, today announced the rollout of incorporated generative AI tools within the platform as part of its latest product strategy.

Continuing its mission to help marketers and data professionals maximize the value of their data, the platform has announced a host of new upcoming and future AI-assisted features, including:

  • Data Transformation Assistant: Users are able to use the assistant to help with creating data transformations. By inputting the requirements they have, the assistant will automatically create the code for the transformation, as well as provide step-by-step instructions on how to implement the desired outcome.
  • New Connectors on demand: Users can upload details for their API of choice and build new connectors on demand with the help of AI.
  • Natural language Data Analytics: The integration with AI tools such as ChatGPT enables users to ask questions using non-technical everyday language and receive instant answers to their data-based questions, vastly simplifying the data analytics process.
  • Proactive Intelligence: Users will be able to interact with their data, and request digestible summaries within the tables, which can be validated and put into action or used as the basis for further targeted analysis.

By harnessing the power of generative AI, Adverity ensures customers can most effectively manage and use their data at scale. A recent report from McKinsey highlights that GenAI has the potential to generate a value ranging from $2.6 trillion to $4.4 trillion across different sectors.

The benefits for Adverity users will include:

  • Time savings through easy access to vast amounts of data, activated by AI for quick answers to data-based questions.
  • Faster onboarding and better assistance in data transformations for less technical users.
  • Self-Serve connector capability – provides users with infrastructure to easily build their own data connectors.
  • Quicker and faster journey to generate insights on the Adverity platform.

“The impact that generative AI will have on businesses over the next few years is huge. It has already started to revolutionize the way in which people interact with everyday tasks both professionally and personally. Increasing the value for our customers and ensuring that they have the quickest and easiest way to generate the insights they need, has always been a number one priority for Adverity, comments Martin Brunthaler, Co-founder and CTO of Adverity.

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