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SAP.iO startup COI Energy was recently invited to participate on NYSE Floor talk.

COI Energy stands for “Circle of Influence.” Founder & CEO SaLisa Berrien named her company after the people and organizations like @SAP_iO that help to propel her company forward.  SaLisa said that she learned how to make a dollar out of $0.15 from my grandparents. This has helped COI Energy thrive during and beyond the pandemic. They are helping businesses eradicate energy waste in their facilities and repurpose the waste to balance the electric grid, protect the environment and uplift marginalized communities with clean energy resources. Enterprise businesses can find us them on the SAP AppStore and join the movement by quadrupling their impact with COI Energy.

Learn about the SAP partnership and more on today’s #NYSEFloorTalk #BlackBusinessMonth

See interview here…