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With their start-up “” Tomislav Tomov (28) and Leon Szeli (26) want to change online clothing shipping. Because clothes that are ordered online cannot be tried on beforehand, there are tons of returns. Using artificial intelligence, the founders from Munich want to enable customers to order in a size-appropriate manner. The aim is to reduce returns. The team was able to convince investor Carsten Maschmeyer in the show . He negotiated a deal worth 650,000 euros for 15 percent of the company’s shares: It was the second-highest single deal that the show has ever existed.

With “”, the Munich founders have developed an app that helps users find the right dress size. The smartphone camera measures the entire body with just one turn of the body and creates a 3D model. The user then receives an individual code. This means that the user in the retailer’s online shops is suggested the items of clothing that really fit him.

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