Today at “Die Höhle der Löwen” on Vox: “Presize”, a body-scanning software with which you can try on fashion virtually and avoid returns.
An unbelievable statistic: customers send back every second item of clothing that is bought online. One of the main reasons: You can’t try on the pieces online. What doesn’t fit becomes a return. This is not only a rather annoying additional expense for online shoppers, but also a high financial loss for online retailers. Not to mention the damage that the many packaging materials and the pointless shipping and return shipping mean for the climate.
Tomislav Tomov (28) and Leon Szeli (27) want to solve this problem: The two inventors have developed a smartphone body-scanning software that measures the human body with the mobile phone camera within a minute. The software uses it to calculate a 3D model of the body, the measurements are precisely determined and converted into a size recommendation.